The Coddiwomplist

*Choose A Direction & Travel Michigan*

By Iva Johnson

About Me & My Mission

Welcome to The Coddiwomplist!

Our mission is to introduce you to all the things that make Michigan a beautiful and interesting state. We will visit popular destinations and events and some places you may have never heard of!

Along the way we’ll tell you some tales, share some history and reminisce a bit about what it was like for us to grow up here.

Most importantly, we hope we encourage to “Pick A Direction And Travel Michigan”
“Still round the corner, there may wait, a new road or a secret gate”                  -JRR Toilken


PLEASE NOTE! All posts are my opinion and based on my personal experiences. While they are here to share those experiences and, hopefully, encourage my readers to have their own adventures, they are still my opinions.


Iva Johnson and The Coddiwomplist had the honor of being featured in the August 2023 issue of Voyage Magazine as one of their “Rising Stars”!

To read the interview and learn more about the mission of The Coddiwomplist, please follow this link: