Bright Walls Jackson

Jackson’s Downtown Is Host To Bright Walls Once More

Bright Walls Jackson
Bicicleta Sem Freio (2018)

Jackson will once again be host to Bright Walls for the third-ish and final year in September 2022.

What Is Bright Walls

Jackson Young Professionals is a volunteer organization that is working “to make Jackson a great place to live, work and play.”

In 2018, they brought us the first installment of what was intended to be only three Bright Walls Jackson art and mural festivals. Unfortunately, a certain pandemic threw a monkey wrench into the plans for 2020 and 2021, reducing the event to a couple of mini festivals.

Now, the stage is set for a grand finale this September 8-11, 2022 for the final year.

Bright Walls Jackson

Bright Walls 2018

The first year of Bright Walls had artists from around the world painting murals on buildings downtown – with two artists from Jackson, Clay McAndrews and Jeremiah Britton

For 2018, fifteen delightful murals that range in size and subject matter, greeted everyone as they trekked downtown. For many people, myself included, hadn’t heard about the festival so we were pleasantly surprised the first time we saw them!

Bright Walls 2019

Bright Walls 2019 brought downtown twenty-one new murals. Again, artists participated from all around the world, including Australia, South Africa, The Netherlands and many more.

This year there were more artist from Michigan but only three from Jackson, two being the same ones from 2019.

Bright Walls 2020 & 2021

Due to pandemic shutdowns and difficulty in traveling for many artists, these two years brought a total of five new murals.

However, we did get something new in 2021…we got eight Bright Boxes! These installation boxes with mini murals are located along Michigan Avenue through downtown.

If you would like to see them, click HERE

The Grand Finale

The grand finale is currently still in the planning stages but during an interview on JTV, Clay McAndrews and Jacque Austin, stated that the festival will be going out with a big bang!

There will be artists adding more murals so that by the end of this years festival there will be over 50 murals greeting visitors downtown. There will also be more live music and acts plus they are once again including a dog parade and pageant. It was so successful last year that they are doing it again!

Expect to see not just artists painting walls but also parking spots, which was first done on 2021! Don’t worry about being hungry because there will be food truck vendors, as well.

To watch the YouTube video of their interview on JTV, click HERE

What I Like About Bright Walls

I love being able to drive or walk around downtown and see the murals and installation boxes done. They are adding beauty and dimension to the area and, most of all, driving traffic and money into the area. Whether it’s people who only come to enjoy the festival or it’s local residents who have been looking for some rejuvenation downtown, people are visiting and spending money.

I was concerned about the murals peeling after a year or two but I have since discovered that they are clear coated to protect them a while longer. Eventually, that too will disintergrate so I am still concerned and hope there is some sort of plan in place when that happens.

Do I think a visit here in September is worth your time? Absolutely! The Jackson Young Professionals put a lot of work into this event and it shows. They have put a lot of thought into the logistics to help make your visit worthwhile and enjoyable. Heck, I think you should visit anytime and enjoy the murals already in place! Take a stroll around downtown then stop for ice cream at RJ’s Metropolitan Ice Cream Co.

An added bonus is that downtown Jackson isn’t stretched out in every direction that will take forever to walk around. An hour and a half to two hours and you’ve enjoyed the afternoon or evening. When you’re ready for a break, take advantage of some of the downtown establishments and have a bite to eat and finish your day off right. Delicious food and a great atmosphere wait for you at The Chase (my personal favorite), The Dirty Bird, The Crazy Cowboy, Bella Notte or Veritas, to name a few available.

And Now My Issues

I always tell you that I am honest with my readers and I am.

So, is there anything I don’t care for?

I do not feel the artwork reflects the diversity the Jackson Young Professionals claim to embrace. Is it eye-catching and even jaw-dropping? Yes. Diverse, it’s not.

My last issue with Bright Walls is simple and my biggest problem. With the multitude of local artist – and some excellent ones, I might add – only a couple have been chosen to paint murals on the walls of the buildings. And one of those people is the co-founder of Bright Walls.

This year they have said local artist will be participating in the new project of painting doors around downtown but I feel the wall murals would have been a superb opportunity to highlight Jackson’s artists and it was missed.

What Will It Cost You To Visit?

This event is free to everyone so the only cost you will have is fuel to get there and any purchases you make with vendors or retailers.

What a fantastic way to spend a day…or four!

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