Mason MI

Mason: A Sense Of Community Is Strong Here

Mason MI
S Jefferson Street

The Only State With This Feature

Michigan is the ONLY state in the country to have this one distinction…our county seat is not in the same city as our capital. And that is thanks to the city of Mason!

Mason was first incorporated into a village in 1865, then as a city a decade later in 1875. Throughout the 1800’s Mason had served as the hub of Ingham County activity until 1877 when Lansing attempted to take over the county seat. Mason fought to retain the county seat for itself.

After all was said and done, a compromise was reached between the two cities and Mason did indeed maintain the county seat and the Ingham County courthouse while other services were moved to Lansing. This made Michigan a one and only.

Every week I learn something and this week, that was it. I had no idea.

Witches On The Town

On October 23rd some friends and I made a day in Mason for their Witches On The Town event. This was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce as well as, the participating local businesses. Let me tell you…we had fun and can’t wait until next year to do it again!

This was Trick or Treating for adults! For $10 (purchased in advance-not available the day of), we went to various coordinated businesses and were given special “treats”. It was awesome! I felt just like a kid again!! I’m going to be saying that a lot this week…

This week I’m going to do something a little different than I usually do. Instead of just talking about the area, I want to introduce you to the businesses that were participating that day to give you a good feel of this wonderful town.

If you have read my Bio then you know that I always encourage shopping and supporting local businesses. This is an excellent opportunity to show you why. I have been to Mason many, many times and I had never been into 90% of the ones I was in on this day.

Alright, let’s get started!

Mason Area Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce did a superb job of organizing and coordinating this event and the 500 tickets/wristbands that went along with it.

To learn more about their upcoming events, click HERE for their Events Calendar and website.

Mason MI

Kean’s Store

This is a cool store to walk into. It feels very much like some of the stores did when I was a child. You know the kind I’m talking about – a little something for everyone!

There is a toy “department” as soon as you walk in the door but it’s not like today’s toy areas. These are toys and books that help kids use their imagination. Then next to that is a candy counter…yummy, yummy chocolates and gummies and more yum. A small selection of fabric and sewing supplies are near the back door.

As you continue to wander through the remaining areas you will find cookbooks and kitchen gadgets (this is where I found my state of Michigan cookie cutters), sauces and jams, and Hallmark cards and ornaments – just what you may be looking for as a Christmas gift for someone! I love that they carry stationery! Do you know how difficult it is to find pretty writing paper?!

There are a lot of things throughout the store to keep your attention for awhile and it’s just a neat store to go into. Expect to spend at least an hour here because there is so much to take in.

Please, pay it a visit and I think you’ll like it too.

BAD Brewing

BAD Brewing is located next door to Kean’s Store on S. Jefferson Street. The business offers food and has a Tap List plus other drink selections. They also have an outside dining area with firepit tables. And if you like to sit around and watch sports with your friends, BAD Brewing has several TVs waiting for you!

We ate here during a break from walking and Trick or Treating (I just love saying I went Trick or Treating). I love the inside of the building and the staff was friendly and helpful. The food was good…not great but good. And we had no trouble watching the University of Michigan game as there were three TVs near us.

You will feel the easy atmosphere as soon as you walk in so don’t be shy about stopping by!

Bestsellers Books & Coffee Co

I thought this was a great find! I had no idea there was an actual bookstore here and it was a welcoming site to me.

Is it a Barnes & Noble? No. It’s a small store that has a good selection for every age group plus a few novelty items. The selection of books is current so if you want a new release, they will most likely have it here.

The staff is very friendly and helpful, which nowadays is gold, so take advantage of it! If you have any questions, they are waiting to answer it. No one is hiding in the back rooms here.

The bookstore also has a coffee counter and a couple of tables located near the front windows. If you aren’t in hurry and can’t wait to start that new page turner, get you a drink and a little snack and have a seat. They will love to have you be their guest!

The Daily Scoop

This is such a cute ice cream parlor! It feels very retro when you walk in and best of all, the ice cream is so tasty…I mean I wanted to schedule another trip here immediately and I don’t care for ice cream! It is reasonably priced and there is a good selection to choose from. I had a twist soft serve cone and felt just like a kid once again.

This was a day of feeling like a kid, over and over. Who wouldn’t love that?

Let me know if you were as impressed with this little place as I was…

Maple Street Mall

The Maple Street Mall is a 2-story shop that has antiques and some craft items. The staff is friendly and welcoming. This is good place to meander for awhile and just see what kind of treasure you can find.

The first time I visited this store years ago it seemed to carry mostly crafting elements but this time around there looked to be a lot more antiques available so if you love the thrill of searching for a new trinket, check them out!

And with the gift giving season coming rapidly upon us, you may find the perfect present hiding here!

LFA Farmers Market

The LFA Farmers Market is a small store located on the corner S. Jefferson Street and E. Maple Street and across from the town square.

If you love finding local goods such as honey, soaps and so much more, you should really stop by for a visit because they have you covered! I know I’ll be making another visit soon myself and if you go, tell me what you found.

CADL-Mason Library

As a kid – an actual kid not today while I’m Trick or Treating – one of my favorite places to go every week was the library. Any library was visited with anticipation. The school library, neighborhood library – it didn’t matter.

To this day I still love walking into a library and the smell that comes with it. You know…that old book smell, sigh.

I didn’t get to go into the Mason LIbrary while I was in town but I bet it’s a magical place too. I’m a BIG advocate of reading programs so if you live in the area or can visit the library, please enjoy a good book for me!

Michigan Barn Wood & Salvage

The Michigan Barn Wood & Salvage is in a large building on the corner of W. Columbia Street and E. Lansing Street and is on the edge of the “Antique District”.

Besides the salvaged barn wood, you can also find metal signs, wood decorations and a lot of Michigan made or Michigan themed items by Michigan artisans. It did my heart good to see all these things!

I will absolutely be making another trip to this business!

Antique District

The Antique District consists of at least four businesses and in five buildings.

On the west side of Mason Street is Old Mill Antiques. There are a lot of old, larger pieces on the covered porch and then more delicate antiques inside. It wasn’t open on the day of the Witches On The Town event but I have been here many times in the past and bought some very nice items over the years.

The East side of the street is home to the Simply Vintage Marketplace and the treasure trove inside. They have glassware, vintage toys, light fixtures, comic books and a lot more. You can expect to spend a minimum of 40 mintues in order to walk through and see all that is offered in here.

Walking out the back door of Simply Vintage is a small courtyard with a gazebo and othere buildings. Rose Marie is home to folk crafts and other items that will decorate your home perfectly and the prices were pretty good – not like some places where you need a home equity loan to buy a small keepsake. I really hate going in those places,,,,but, you will enjoy this little shoppe and the ladies are super sweet!

On either side of Rose Marie are two open buildings called the Pickers Paradise. This is where my husband loves to “rummage” around. He can spend more than an hour between these two buildings. Now while he does that, I can spend some time in Rose Marie’s. Yay me!

Stop by and see for yourself all that can found in the Antique District of Mason!

Salon 130 and Hair & Company Downtown

I’m sorry I didn’t get more pictures of these two businesses but let me tell you, these are beautiful salons with super friendly people working in them. If you are looking for a new stylists or other salon services, contact these businesses. I have no doubt you will find what you need!

Shoutout To The Sponsoring Businesses

Below is a list of the businesses that partipated in and sponsored this fun day out. Not only did they pay a fee to the Chamber of Commerce to particpate in the day but all treats they gave out came from their own pockets too.

They deserve a monumental THANK YOU! We were fortunate enough to visit nearly all of them!

Places Of Interest Around Mason

Costs Of The Day

  • Wristband (Purchased in Advance) – $10
  • Lunch (BAD Brewing) – $15.90 including Tip
  • Kean’s Store – $13.07
  • Picker’s Paradise – $$4.24
  • Mileage – approximately 60 miles round trip

Yay Or Nay?

I have lived in small towns the majority of my life. I would guarantee that they are so small that most people reading this have never heard of them, let alone have any idea where they are located. Heard of a one-light town? Yeah, a couple of the towns I lived in didn’t even have any more than one blinking red light. They were that small.

Hanover. Litchfield. Jonesville. Parma. Told you I was talking small.

But, I have also lived in some good sized places. Ann Arbor, for one.

The one thing I have always been keenly aware of is if there was a true sense of community in those small towns. Some have it only for the people who “are from there” while others have it oozing from every pore of their makeup and readily share it. Think Mayberry and Andy Griffith…I loved that show.

I’ll be honest, most of the small towns I grew up in only cared about their native residents, regardless of how long you or your family have lived there. Sad fact and shameful.

Mason is Mayberry on steroids. The community pride and openess saturates this town. And I love it. Does that mean it’s for you? Maybe not, but I think you should check it out before you decide.

This Is Community

Here are a few examples of what makes this town special:

-In 2020, when many businesss were shut down due to COVID 19 and in danger of losing sales, many residents purchased gift cards from them. Not unheard of last year but here’s the difference…They purshased $50 gift cards but paid for $75 and let the business keep the extra $25

-A young resident is facing the nightmare no parent wants their child to go through. The community organized a fundraiser to help the family with finances so they could concentrate on their child. The fundraiser recently ended more than $50,000 over the goal. That’s just incredible. Way to go, Mason!

So, is Mason the typical small town? To me no. To me it’s not really all that small and it’s less than 15 minutes from Lansing and only 10 minutes from Holt. But, Mason has still managed to keep the small town atmosphere and that’s what I love.I hope you do too.

Why not plan a little holiday shopping there and find out for yourself why I’m so bewitched by Mason.

UpComing Events For November

Here are a couple of the upcoming events happening in November I’d like to share with you. Mason does an excellent job making all their events family friendly so I encourage you to give any of them a try and spend some time geting to know the town!

  • November 11th-13th: Craft Show – This is a town wide craft show that includes the Mason High School, the Ingham County Fairground, as well as, many personal residences. You are welcome to stop by the Mason Area Chamber of Commerce office to pick up a map of all locations. They are located at 148 E. Ash Street and their hours are Tuesday through Friday 9am – 2pm.
  • November 26th: The 20th Annual Lighted Parade & Mason Holiday Celebration 6pm-7:30pm

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A Beautiful Ending

On the way home that night, the sky opened up into one of the most gorgeous sunsets I think I have ever seen – and I LOVE sunsets!

I just had to grab a couple pictures once I stopped to drop off my friends. Enjoy!